Lettuce extremely effective acne treatment


Lettuce is a vegetable fish is very good for the digestive system, creating appetite. In particular, there are fish lettuce heat effect, detoxification, diuretic and antiseptic. So, in addition to the treatment of some diseases, lettuce fish can beauty applications, reduce acne very effective.

You can refer to the following formula effective from vegetables:

Lettuce fish, olive oil and rice bran

This mask is very effective in removing acne marks left by acne. Persistence mask individual lettuce, olive and rice bran first 2 times a week you will see the difference.

Method: leaf lettuce puree fish out of water, filtered water and bring themselves mixed with rice bran, add some olive oil to form a mixed match, fine. Apply this mixture on the skin with acne for about 15 minutes rinse with clean water.

Masks fish lettuce, salt

Pound lettuce, add a little salt and mix well to dissolve the salt and apply on the face. Salt makes skin firmer, regulate sebum especially in T. Also, salt and water lettuce has antiseptic properties, helps skin toxins, prevent and treat acne effectively .

Water lettuce raw fish

Fish washed lettuce leaves, grind, get water, and pat on the face, neck, hands up. For 15 minutes and rinse. At that time the skin is clean, smooth and cool. To mask individual lettuce leaves to promote the best performance, you should take before bed because then your skin is resting and can absorb the most nutrients. Also, you should not abuse the mask, it is best to use -3 times / week, for about 15-20 minutes. When facial skin should avoid sensitive areas such as eyes, eyebrows, mouth corners.

Fish lettuce, aloe
Lettuce extremely effective acne treatment.
According to information on beauty Magazine, with high antibacterial activity, lettuce fish will reduce swelling of pimples dry and falling back. Besides benign vera gel for all skin types to help make pores, dim spots left by acne. Combine lettuce leaf aloe fish and you will be masks effectively treat acne naturally not inferior to the expensive drugs.

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